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Details for stattad

Real name:
Tad Ludes

Ventura, CA

Men's 65

Messages posted by stattad »Message board home   »Start a new discussion

Aug. 5, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Tournament Game Results

Thanks Jerry.
Aug. 3, 2019
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Tournament Game Results

70 Major results from Western Nationals:
1. Nor-Cal Styxx
2. Scrap Iron Legends
3. R&R 70s
July 28, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Need a player for Sacramento

Tried that, too!
July 28, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Need a player for Sacramento

Send email to tad@goldsheet.com
July 28, 2019
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Need a player for Sacramento

Any 75-year-olds available to play this week in Sacramento for the Western Nationals? A crop of injuries have reduced us to 11 for this one. It will be a tough go in that heat. A 70-year-old would have to be released from his team, so I am looking for a 75 player.
July 17, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Arizona Tournament Schedule

Also still waiting for last year's Las Vegas Worlds results for the 70s.
July 1, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Socal Tournament

Didn't think PDFs had to be refreshed, but you learn something new every day. Thanks Dave!
July 1, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Socal Tournament

Looks like the 65s got added today. The 70s should be next.
June 30, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Socal Tournament

Are we ever going to see the results of that tournament?
Dec. 12, 2018
Topic: Product review
Discussion: Batting screens

That's it. I had the wrong brand name.
Dec. 11, 2018
Topic: Product review
Discussion: Batting screens

Ended up getting a great deal at Amazon. Pitch Safe pitching screen, ball basket, batting screen, batting tee and three heavy balls for $200 with free delivery!
Nov. 13, 2018
Topic: Product review
Discussion: Batting screens

Thanks Jethro.
Nov. 13, 2018
Topic: Product review
Discussion: Batting screens

What is the latest/greatest batting screen that you guys are buying for your teams? I'm looking for a lightweight one that hopefully folds up into a manageable space. Thanks.
Oct. 10, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: TOC Florida

I also recommend an Air BnB house.
Sept. 27, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Results of Las Vegas

Good job Bruce!
Aug. 17, 2018
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winners in San Clemente

65/70 Platinum division:
1. OTE
2. Top Gun Mavericks
3. Sons of Pitches
Aug. 15, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Major++

Because they're so much better.
June 7, 2018
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Was The ump

That sounds ridiculous. I've always thought of it as a strategy move.
May 24, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Golden Eagle BP

Since we have this conversation going, can we still take BP on the soccer fields if we don't stand in fair territory? If not, where?
Dec. 15, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Intentional Walk

There is no logical explanation. The only way the team catches up is for lots of guys to reach base. He might hit a 290' fly for an out. If the ghost of Babe Ruth walks up there in that situation, pitch to him!
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