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Real name:
Bob Woodroof
San Clemente CA
Men's 65

Messages posted by 16wood

March 17, 2020
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Corona Virus (COVID-19) • Part II

Infectious disease specialists have stated that Covid-19 is roughly 10 times as potent as the flu.
Because it has mutated, we currently have no defense for it... can only treat symptoms. It began as an animal to human virus. It mutated to a human to human virus. Most of the previous viruses didnt evolve to human to human. Thus, comparing it to previous pandemic viruses would be irresposible.
The NBA had to protect its assets from themselves, just as SSUSA has done. Since the NBA announcement was made, more players have come forward (K Durant). Their lung capacity is much superior to ours, as a group, And they're 35 years younger. Yet 4-5 players have been infected
Draw your own conclusions but I vigorously support SSUAS's old decision.
Bob Woodroof
July 5, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hitting Clinics coming up in July

Mark, I'm finer than frog hair... thanks for asking.

July 4, 2018
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hitting Clinics coming up in July

Rainmans put it pretty well but I'd add that Steve also offers technology that allows you to view your own swing in real time... frame by frame or video.
Steve is a good teacher whether using the naked eye or video equipment.
The REAL question is whether us old dogs are willing to learn new tricks... if so, he's ready to help.
Bob Woodroof
Sept. 14, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Rest In Peace Elby Bushong

Elby was a man's man... a player's player... a fireman's firemen... a friend's friend... he was all of these things and many more.
I first played against Elby in 1972 and was very impressed with his confidence and his power. It wasn't until 1978 that I played with him and, believe me, you can't really assess a player's total value until he's in your dugout.
He joined us (Capitol Insulation) in June of 1978 (along with Dennis Myers) and this gave us IMMEDIATE credibility on the national level. They both were a force...
Elby was as good a clutch hitter as I've seen over the past 40 years and also one of the most charasmatic people I've ever met. With him and Dennis we won our share of events in 1978 (and 1979) and beat a lot of great teams (Howard's, Campbell's, Howard & Carroll, Nelson's, Snyder's, Steele's, Ken Sanders Ford, CC Brick, etc.)... NSPC, ASA or USSSA.
Our friendship has prospered over this time frame so this is a huge loss for me and many other of our close friends.
Perhaps the most meaningful thing about Elby, IMO, was how he handled the many people (senior softball players) who approached him over the past 20 years. They would convey to him how they witnessed one of his many exploits... even though Elby probably had no clue who they were (he would remember the incident), he NEVER blew them off and would always make them feel that they were the most important thing on his mind for 2-3 minutes... this came from his love of people and his respect for the game.
But he was not patient with players who were self-centered or who put themselves above the team.
He was our first teammate honored by USSSA as a HOF inductee. There were 5-6 others to follow but Elby was the first. An honor well deserved.
Softball has lost a great player and a super ambassador. The State of Arizona has lost even more. He is irreplaceable...
Bob Woodroof
June 5, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous

As the mgr of the Omen 65 team, I can say that TW double dipped us because they out executed us at the right time. Whatever happened between them and old A's had zero to do with the outcome of our games.
It puzzles my why Dave would speculate on something that he knows little about.
Let me be as straightforward as I can possibly be... we lost because we didn't do what we should, when we should. To my knowledge, NO ONE ON OUR TEAM blames our loss on anyone but ourselves.
It seems to me that there is a hell of a lot of speculation about what others are thinking and I'm not sure which of you are the least qualified to make these assumptions... i.e. was the TW mgr aware or not? I wasn't even at the park when it went down so I do not know the answer to that... I don't really care, one way or the other...
Randy spoke for himself... and in doing so may have offended the powers that be.
Dave, please leave our team out of this horseshit... unless you know something I don't. If so, please share it with me first... that's a consideration I'd give you.
Bob Woodroof
May 8, 2017
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Vegas Info Help

For those of us who do mind cig smoke... AZ Charlie's has ALWAYS been one of the smokiest casinos in LV... this was true of both the Decatur and the Boulder Hwy locations.
I'm hopeful that this has changed. If it hasn't, it's essentially our health v their profits... WE QUIT STAYING THERE 10 YEARS AGO.
This should not be a serious discussion if this is the way it now stands.
We 'own a very large piece of the serious illness pie'... we = senior teams
Given our ages, etc.
Respect it or lose it... (OUR HEALTH).

March 21, 2017
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Get rid of Major +

Tri 18:
Your views are in line with mine... your experiences are similar to mine... in senior ball and in younger days.
However, there are two driving forces out there that work against implementation of your proposed changes.
1) I've been hearing the same arguments from M/M+ teams for more than 15 years... 'we don't have the money'... 'we don't hit enough HRs to compete'... we don't want to play just 2 or 3 teams'. The last one makes the most sense as far as I'm concerned.
But most M teams simply DO NOT WANT TO COMPETE... history has proven this... the operative phrase is 'most M teams'.
2) SSUSA wants to protect its investment. The M and AAA divisions are its cash cows. They do not want to risk this by combining M and M+ teams... we (M+) are here merely to allow SSUSA to purge certain M teams up. This protects the sanctity of the M divisions for all of the teams/players who seeking their AA or M Lifetime Achievement awards.
Bear in mind, I used the phrase 'certain M teams' purposely. History has shown that some teams receive much more 'understanding' than others.
I did not comment on the possibility of combining AA and AAA teams because I have zero experience with that dilemma. I'm neither for it or against it for that reason.
As long as we continue to rave about 'record turn outs' for WMC and the like, NOTHING will change, IMO.
Bob Woodroof
Jan. 18, 2017
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Taping of bat handle.

You cite rule number 3.4(4) and insert the word 'handle' in parenthesis after the word 'grip'.
Did you do this to pinpoint to us where the grip is located or to suggest that the handle and grip are one and the same?
If it's the latter, I'm not sure how you can connect those dots.
Does the rule really state that more than two layers of tape on the bare handle constitutes an altered bat?
Or does rule 3.4(4) speak to the layers of tape on the cone or the grip?
If we're going to discuss rules it behooves us to get it right.

Dec. 2, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: 2017 Adidas Melee 2

Trotter, how does the 12" barrel compare to the 13" in terms of swing weight? i.e. will a 27 oz End Load 12" and a 27 oz 13" swing similarly?
Or... should a hitter consider dropping or adding an ounce to the original Adidas Melee 2?
Bob Woodroof
Nov. 9, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Some justice served.

Staff and Mango:
Thanks for the correction on the GSF reference. For those of us who put a lot into the GSF team, and what it stood for, any connection to GSC is a bitter pill.
Clearly, a mistake such as this would be an easy one to make... long ago, there were many times I wanted to insert a C for an F.
I 'tested' the GSC bat 3 1/2 years ago. As clandestine as Steve McKinlay was with it, I have always wondered which 'version' we used that day... the approved one or something greater than 1.21. As Stick stated, every promise of a demo bat was followed by an excuse and more promises.
When I learned that the P:413 was 1/8" too long I spoke with Steve about this. He simply explained that it was actually the correct length but all of the other bats were too short (seriously). I thought that this seemed preposterous but he was adamant that this was the case... and so it went him.
He had even more ridiculous assertions prior to his association with GSC.
Bob Woodroof
Oct. 27, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Speed up rules

Those of you who want a faster game... have you ever considered indoor soccer?
The game was what it was years ago and we liked it so much that we play it into our senior years.
Now everyone offers these 'simple solutions' to change the game... read = more rule changes. Sort of reminds me of the guys on the architectural committees of the local HOA.
It aint broke!
Bob Woodroof
Oct. 10, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hall of Fame Points

Those rules are from the National Senior Softball HOF Nomination page... not from SSUSA.
Oct. 7, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Hall of Fame Points

I cannot speak for the SSUSA HOF as I'm not sure what process they use for inductions.
The National Senior Softball HOF nomination info can be found at sshof.com
It's true that there are fewer 'HOF point' opportunities than before. In fact, I believe that NASCS is also defunct... or it's making a serious run at the elusive National Hide and Seek Championships which have been held at unknown locations for the past 4 years.
The fact that 3 of the remaining 4 HOF Point tourneys are east of the Mississippi is largely irrelevant. IMO, convenience isn't a primary element. Those events do not restrict the participation to teams east or west of the Continental Divide or the Mississippi River.
This should be a highly prestigious honor only given to the truly elite players.
Perhaps they should create more HOFs so the masses could be included... or have them in each region.
It is called the National Senior Softball Hall of Fame. for a reason.
Bob Woodroof

Sept. 12, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Kent Cook of The Merchants, Shubins, Cambells, Rebs lost his battle with cancer

Kandi, I played with Kent in '72 and '73 but mostly played against him... he respected the game, having played minor league baseball.
He was definitely one of softball's 'characters'... thinking of some of his 'capers' brings a smile to my face.
I know how you feel about him and am sorry for your loss.
Bob Woodroof

Aug. 30, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Colin Kaepernick

I believe that CK is sincere in his actions. A lot of people have fought and died in order to give him/us the freedom to speak out.
I personally wish he'd use a different method but this is what he's chosen. In doing so, he does bring attention to the issue but it needs more than mere attention.
I agree with almost everything said in this thread as it is a multi-faceted problem with no clear solution.
One thing I don't agree with is the part about CK being a POS... he may be choosing the wrong avenue but he is not a POS. In his press conference I did not get the sense that he is unintelligent.

Aug. 23, 2016
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Why are there rules?

Each person who uses this message board to express himself/herself has the right to include personal information or not. You can click on anyone's handle on the left hand margin and see whether he or she chooses to do so.
The choice to do it or not was provided by none other than SSUSA.

When someone posts their thoughts they again have this choice. I choose to use my name because I believe it carries more weight. When I see someone's name I can more readily identify with them. But the absence of their name doesn't render their points invalid.
Others choose to not include their name, etc. That is one of the freedoms that SSUSA has given us.
If 'Hitem' (or anyone else) decides that he doesn't want his/her name on it, that is his/her business...
This issue has been debated numerous times over the years on this forum. The end result has always been that we cannot force others to see things the way that we see them.

There is little change made that comes from this board. It is merely a place for self expression. Had Hitem used his name (and the TDs) it still wouldn't be an impetus for change. DD has stated this many, many times. Let's not confuse this board with a letter to our congressman.

DBAX stated that he provided a written complaint previously. Did it make a difference? Only he'd know.
Bob Woodroof
Aug. 18, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Top Gun Summer Classic

Bill, I'm guessing that Google is tardy with the up date. When I drove through that area 2 days my car Nav system showed an extremely faint line for the connection.
But I can attest to its completion... perhaps they've solved the const issue by now but I cannot swear to it... again, it's only impacting the southbound lanes and only at peak times.
Aug. 17, 2016
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Top Gun Summer Classic

Avenida La Pata will is now open all the way to Ortega Hwy and then becomes Antonio Parkway. This will help the guys coming in from IE or RSM, Foothill Ranch, Mission Viejo, Ladera, etc. IE guys can take 241 until it ends, go west on Oso to Antonio, south to fields.
Leaving Steed Park is simpler now if you're going north...
On Fri, coming southbound on Antonio/La Pata is made more difficult near San Juan Hills HS as const reduces it to one lane... peak traffic times are based upon parents dropping kids off at SJHHS or picking them up (7:45am and 2:45pm)... I sat there for 15 minutes yesterday at 2:45pm.
This shouldn't be as much of an issue on Sat/Sun.
Guys getting hung up on I-5 can take Ortega Hwy east to Antonio/La Pata, turn right and go straight to park... it's maybe 5 miles from Ortega to fields. (given the same parameters as stated above).
July 15, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Lee Lee, I do not disagree on that point either... my previous post was partly 'tongue in cheek'... but DD did put that out there.
I've played in Aurora, CO, and it is a fantastic place to place. All of the things that JB (and DBax) said about it are true.
When it was moved to Sacramento in 2013, SSUSA added in the part about division winners assuming no 1 or 2 seeds in LV. I don't know the full impact this makes on attendance but I do believe it increases it to some degree.
The biggest impact is that there are just a lot of CA teams to draw from. IMO, Sacramento is a nice place to play as well, other than the oppressive heat at times...
July 15, 2016
Topic: General and miscellaneous

Lee Lee,
I don't disagree with your point on the comparative numbers. But as to the tax paying structure of SSUSA, the following is an excerpt from Dave Dowell on June 30.

[1] We are a health and welfare benefit based non-profit corporation (since 1989) and, accordingly, do not expose our players to risk of injury from any sources, including weather

Granted, it's taken out of context but it does state the status of SSUSA and that it is the same status its had since 1989.
If I lived in the midwest I'd prefer that an event be held closer to home as well.
We'd go to more of the other assn events if they were closer to us.
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