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May 28, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Fair or Foul

Not sure I agree. To me the runner standing on the base is just an extension of the base. If a batted ball hits anywhere on the bag and then lands foul, it is still considered a fair ball. There fore, a ball that hits the runner and landing foul should be a fair ball. Just saying.
May 25, 2022
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Fair or Foul

With a runner standing on 3rd base I hit a line drive that hit him and landed fair in the outfield. The Ump called "dead ball" and awarded batter and runner 1 base. Was the call correct? Question #2---If the ball after hitting the runner who is standing on the 3rd base bag lands in foul territory, is the call the same?
Dec. 4, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: This occcured today, what is the call?

Thanks, guys for the feedback. I must be smarter than I look because that would have been my call also. The other Ump let the score stand but did not affect the outcome.
Dec. 3, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: This occcured today, what is the call?

OK, 2 outs, runners on 1st and 2nd. Base hit to the outfield. The runner on 1st misses 2nd base bag and goes to third. Runner on 2nd base scores. Defense appeals that the 1st base runner missed 2nd and it is upheld for the 3rd out. Does the run still count?
July 29, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How to call a tag play when view is obstructed

Quite right Dave,
Haven't played tournament ball in too many years. Would like to come back but at 81 I don't have the same skills (I wonder why)? The biggest hurdle is that I live in area #4 which has only 1 79 team playing and maybe 2 teams in the 74 division. Who needs or wants such an old man anyway?
Maybe it is time for the league to make an effort to give us old guys a chance to play longer.
July 27, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How to call a tag play when view is obstructed

Been away, so late too respond. According to B.J's description, I probably was out of position on that play as I was not on the infield side of 2nd base. In my defense, I don't recall any ump at my level of play ever making that position change. That said, I will make an effort to be the first as it makes good sense.
P.S. If I was positioned correctly and the phantom tag was made on the runner avoiding to the right field side, I still would have had my vision obstructed. It that case the home plate ump could not see the tag either. Damned if you do Damned if you don't.
Again, thanks for all your input.
July 18, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How to call a tag play when view is obstructed

Dave, I don't understand the attitude. All I am saying is that if I see the tag, I call the runner out. If I don't see the tag, before making any call I would look for the runners reaction and if he walks off the field, I know it was a tag and he is called out. I do not have to make the call instantaneously, I have some time to replay it in my head. Regardless of what the call is, right or wrong if there is an appeal I will ask for help.
July 18, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How to call a tag play when view is obstructed

Looks like more that one opinion on how to handle this situation. I am going to pick this option------If I can't see the tag, see how the runner reacts and make a call. If he gives himself up, he know he is out so call him out. If runner continues to the bag but in my judgement he was tagged, I call him out or safe if in my judgement the tag was missed. If an appeal is lodged, I will ask for help from partner. BJ seemed to think that I was out of position but how do you anticipate a play where the fielder is in your direct line of sight and the runner is on the other side of the fielder?
July 14, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: How to call a tag play when view is obstructed

Runner trying to stretch a single into a double. The ball beats him to the bag. My view is blocked but I thought he was tagged before reaching 2nd base. I called him out. When your view is blocked and you can't actually see the tag should you go with what you think and call the runner out or under these circumstances should the call be automatically safe and immediately ask for help from the home plate ump?
May 4, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Belted shorts, my kingdom for a pair of belted shorts

Senior Moments, soory I missed your response. I found a local sport shop that sells what they call Coach's shorts for under $30 which has the look I wanted.
April 16, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Belted shorts, my kingdom for a pair of belted shorts

I would agree that the waist is the same, but I had it in my head that my pants, cut down would be much narrower above the knee.
I just looked at the Easton long pants and where I would make the cut is still quite wide. I guess I no longer have a problem with altering a new pair of pants and converting them into shorts.
I still would like to buy the real thing if possible. It amazes me that no manufacturer is offering belted and or pocketed shorts.
Thanks for your input so far. Frank
April 16, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Belted shorts, my kingdom for a pair of belted shorts

Of course that is always an option, but I am not sure cut down long pants would resemble the looks or fit of actual shorts. Would much rather buy the real thing.
April 16, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Belted shorts, my kingdom for a pair of belted shorts

Hi---This winter I bought another pair of Easton belted long uniform pants with piping. I am sure at that time Easton offered belted shorts also. I have spent a couple of days on line looking for any manufacturer that produces softball, fastball, or baseball uniform apparel that can be considered shorts with a belt and or pockets. No luck whatsoever! Can somebody point me in the right direction?
March 30, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Intentional walk used to nulify a dominate hitter.

The problem with that is the pitcher is not always their best hitter and putting him on base is doing them a favor.
March 30, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Intentional walk used to nulify a dominate hitter.

Our team has a strong hitter with power. He is usually pitched very carefully and on occasion walked intentionally depending on the situation, which is good strategy and fine and we do it also.
The problem lies when he is never thrown a hittable pitch throughout the entire game, therefore taking the bat out of his hands and making him a total non factor.
I have played in leagues where the umpire would warn the pitcher that another flagrant walk would result in the batter going to 2nd base and if it happened again he would award 3rd base. This is a deterrent and the penalty can be avoided.
Is there any known option for dealing with this situation, which we view as un-sportsman like behavior.
March 20, 2021
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Addias 2020 VS 2021 Suncoast Bats.

Ihave the 2020 white balanced 26oz. I am 80 years old and weigh in at 160 lbs. I thought it was a great bat until I got between 300 and 400 rips. It's busted and I won't buy another.
Feb. 27, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: I'm sure I got it wrong---What would be the right call

B.J. Your view of the action needed to be taken makes sense although the coach's interference did alter the possible outcome of the play if the runner had tried to advance. He could have been thrown out at 2nd, and that didn't happen so the batting team gets away without any sanction.
Feb. 27, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule interpretation

Thanks all for your input. There is no difinitive wording in our run by rule that adequately covers this situation. Using 2nd base as an example it does say that the runner must give himself up or veer off so as not to interfer with a throw to 1st in a double play situation.
when I said the fielder at third was pulled off the bag he actually was on the bag but leaning to his right. He was vulnerable to being run over because the runner hit the bag standing straight up with no attempt to avoid the fielder. With luck I won't see that again. Frank
Feb. 27, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: I'm sure I got it wrong---What would be the right call

Nobody on base. The Batter hits a ground ball to 2nd baseman who throws wild and late to first. The coach kicks the ball away from the 1st baseman and the runner does not attempt to take 2nd base. Is the batter called out, is it just a dead ball with the runner remaining on 1st or is there another option?
Feb. 26, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: Rule interpretation

HI, In our local senior softball league in an attempt to reduce the chance of injury they have what is called "The Run by Rule". This rule allows a runner to avoid a base to the left or right by about 2 feet and continue past the bag another 2 feet. If he beat the throw he will be called safe. In this league runners can be tagged, but it is not required and all outs can be made via the force rule.
This is all in the name of player safety. This is my viewpoint of how as an umpire I would call this play which is not backed up by any written instruction.

There is a close play on a runner advancing to 3rd base. The 3rd baseman is pulled off the bag by the throw, the runner comes directly (did not veer off) into the bag and over runs it (did not make turn towards home, just overran it). Although the runner was able to reverse course and get back to the bag before the 3rd baseman recovered,I would have called the runner out for violating the intent of the run by rule, which is to avoid any collisions by defender and runners.

My fellow umpires do not agree and some say that if he can get back to the bag he should be called safe. Remember this rule is about safety and I see the actions I described as a violation to the intended rule. I told my head umpire that if I face that call in the future I will call the runner out because he did not slide or veer off to avoid a possible collision. If agrued I would encourage an appeal to the league so that this can be resolved in writing. What is you opinion?
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