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Messages posted by jimperry19

Dec. 11, 2024
Topic: Website comments
Discussion: Bat Warmers

Dave, I have gone back and read this entire thread. I assume the logic behind this is player safety, equal playing field etc. Along the lines of player safety, I beg you to make the ball a priority, so many players are telling you how dangerous it is. I am a little disappointed how little SSUSA seems to care about an issue that is so important to players. I am not saying you don't care, I am saying it 'seems' like you don't care. Please think about your paying customers. Thank you.
Nov. 21, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Ball for 2025

Just played WW in Phoenix, awesome trip, played at Chavez and Desert W. Ground crew actually prepped fields between games which was cool, umping was very good, games on time, SSUSA staff very friendly and helpful. Played some awesome games with excellent competition. However, Saturday night played a game that started at dusk and ended after dark, that damn ball is impossible to see. Numerous times my SS and I looked at each other and said 'I didnt see that'. So, Yankeefan12, IT DOES MATTER. Someone is going to eat one of these, its not if, its when. SSUSA: I get that you have a contract with Baden, please address this issue with them. This is a really good ball but once it is dirty it is very dangerous. And yes, it can be problematic during the day, but at night it is really a problem. I know teams are intentionally leaving dirty balls in games so the defense can't react, but someone is going to get really hurt or worse. So lets take the injury part out of it, do we really want to play at game Saturday night in Vegas to make it to Sunday at Worlds and have the game decided because someone could not see a ground ball or a line drive? That is not in the spirit of this game that we all love to play. Thanks for a great weekend, everyone have a safe and healthy 2025 season.
July 22, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Westerns National Championship

we are headed to Sac in a week or so as a 60M team. There is a 60M+ team in our bracket. I am sure everyone is wondering who will draw them in seeding. We have had it happen to us last year in Reno, this year in Reno, where we had to play a Major Plus team. Just the way it goes. I think we won one and lost one, and I really dont need SSUSA to fact check me because I really dont care. Just grateful to still be playing softball at a somewhat high level. Here's my issue...A customer of senior softball asks a legit question and SSUSA insults him numerous times. Come on guys, just answer the question without taking shots at people that pay a lot of money to go play your events. I think people should be able to ask questions, vent frustration on a message board without their intelligence being questioned.
June 27, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: CT Masters Tournament

There is a really good reason why kids put their parents in old folks homes. We bitch too much.
June 27, 2024
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: CT Masters Tournament

Yankeesfan12, dont forget posting of scores, new bat rules, lack of concessions, bathroom conditions, field conditions, 3 digit numbers, jack ass coaches that wont release players, bad award packages, tentative field assignments, the new ball, the old ball and too big of outfields.
April 18, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: The new ball

Why would that be a problem? Even if there are 20,000 of the current ball sitting in a container ship off the coast of California, produce the same ball with a jacket that doesnt pick up every scrap of dirt and grass and make it damn near invisible after dark, and use the version 2.0 in the evening. Does this create some issues? Yep, but the safety of players should be a priority over what is viewed as an 'inconvenience' by umpires. Probably make the umps job easier easier also, much easier to call a guy safe or out when you can see the ball.
April 16, 2024
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: The new ball

Played in Vegas over the weekend, 60 M Precision Wolfpack, great tourney, well run, great competition, good umps, nice fields over at Cheyenne. One issue, the jacket of the new ball needs to be improved, very very hard to see once it is dirty and almost impossible to clean. Talked to numerous players with better eyes than me that agree. Played a night game on Friday, almost impossible to see after 3rd inning, was relieved when a new ball got thrown in. A coach of another team told me they intentionally don't put new balls in at night because of this. Don't waste time coming on here and saying the ball is just like the old one because its not (that is not directed at SSUSA, that is directed at people who say things like 'why do you need to know who won Worlds?' or 'I dont play for a trophy'. To me, this is a safety issue. SSUSA is the best association, with the best and biggest events, and probably more focus on player safety (see new bat rule) than others. Somebody is going to eat one of these Fires because they flat out could not see it.
Nov. 20, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Winter Worlds Scheduling Problems

We played at Desert West, same story, long delays, shortened games, no guaranteed 5th game etc. But it was a blast, an absolute blast to be playing softball in November in Phoenix against great competition with my buddies. When I was laying in the grass eating a really good cheeseburger during a couple hour delay on a beautiful Saturday evening, chatting with a friend I hadn't seen in a while I thought 'I am really lucky to be doing this'. There are probably a bunch of things that could have been done better to make it more smooth, but I am absolutely not qualified to suggest any of them. Plus the bathrooms were clean. Also, my team was probably one of the reasons the schedule got thrown out of whack. On Friday we gave up 26 runs in the top of the 8th inning to those bullies, the Iowa Demons (really good guys), so that didn't help. Tim, if you had posted that comment about 'play better defense' a couple days sooner it may have helped us. Really fun weekend, thanks Dave and SSUSA.
July 17, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Jim Sherman last weekend

I just wanted to commend SSUSA and Salem Parks Dept for last weekend at Wallace Marine. Fields were raked, watered and lined every game all 3 days, bathrooms were clean and stocked, beer was cold food was excellent, umpires were very good and games were on time. Prize package was really nice shirts and a new Demarini bat. You just can't beat that for a weekend. Only downside? A total of 3 60 Major teams. Lots of 60M teams out there, you should start thinking about adding this one to your schedule. SSUSA thanks for a great weekend.
April 20, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Southwest Scores

Webbie, I always like your input and your Apr 1st posts are something I look forward to every year. To clarify, I think up to date scoring should be the norm, I know its not always possible and I get that. But it should expected, and the norm. I did not mean to come across like a jack ass , nor did I mean to call you out. It's weird when you read something you posted and you think 'I didn't mean to sound like that'. Anyway, have a great, and a safe, season. Take care. Jim
April 19, 2023
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Southwest Scores

We played 60M at Sunset, we had the good fortune of playing 11 games because we decided the best way for a bunch of 60 year old guys from Washington to get used to warm weather was to play 11 gmes in it. It is now Wednesday, I hope by end of day I can feed and wash myself. Actually, it was a blast, we had really good umping for 3 days, games ran close to on time, the competition was absolutely amazing. We had great games with Vegas Elite , Dirty Birds , Enforcers , Sonoma Crush and my old friend Rick (class act), The Idaho guys Nu Life . The team that beat us in the 'ship was a total class act, Xcelerated Softball (?) I am forgetting team names cuz of the heat stroke. I will say this,a lot of 60 year old guys play their whole lives to have a weekend like that, softball in the sun against great competition, beer in the shade with teammates after. Flat out living the dream. Thanks SSUSA. Ok, downside, Major should not play Major Plus in seeding. Just shouldnt happen. They are Plus for a reason. It affects seeding, extra games, etc. I get why it occured, it shouldnt. Plus side, up to date scores, awesome, our friends in Washington were following us, along with my wife. I think she was so she would know when to kick the mailman out. Also, Webbie I almost always agree with you, your post on this discussion is silly, people deserve posted scores and you know it. The silence is deafening because a vast majority of players appreciate it. SSUSA thanks for a great weekend.
March 29, 2023
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Fields

For Worlds.
Aug. 29, 2022
Topic: Bats
Discussion: Bats

Wait, what? Rolling a bat is now illegal? Can I use the ones I had rolled before they changed the rule? Just kidding, everyone good luck at your Worlds events, play hard, have fun and be safe.
July 19, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Jim Sherman Memorial last weekend Salem OR

Just wanted to say that we played the Sherman Memorial last weekend at Wallace Marine. Field Crew did a great job, fields were prepped before every game, watered, lined, raked etc. Games were on time, TDs very approachable, balls seemed fine, at least there were plenty of HRs hit as far as I could tell, never heard anyone complaining and you had to dodge HR balls when driving out of park. Bathrooms were very clean and concessions had a lot to offer, including cold beer. Great tourney, great competition. To be clear, I have no idea how the fields down in Albany played. We are very quick to get on here and complain, which is our right, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out a job well done by SSUSA and Parks Dept. That is all. Jim Perry #19, Wolfpack 55M.
June 28, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Jim Sherman Salem, OR July 12-17

Dave, thanks for the quick response. Will you be in Salem for the tourney?
June 28, 2022
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Jim Sherman Salem, OR July 12-17

Hi Dave, I hope you are well. I just noticed that Albany has been added as a venue for the Jim Sherman. Correct me if I am wrong, but that was not the case last week, it only showed Wallace Marine. Can you please tell me where 55M will be played this year, my team made reservations assuming we were in Salem. If we are in Albany some players may want to try to move. We have been in Albany the last couple years, so maybe its our turn to be in Salem? Anyway, take care and thanks for any info you can provide. Jim Perry, Wolfpack 55M.
Dec. 17, 2021
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Established Washington State 65 major mens team

Thanks Jeff. Yes, doing fine and recovering.
Dec. 16, 2021
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Established Washington State 65 major mens team

I agree with half of that. It is a great team. Not sure about the coach. Jeff, just kidding. I hope you are well and have a great holiday with family. Jim Perry
Oct. 19, 2021
Topic: Rules of the game
Discussion: You make the call - please

Webbie, I have always enjoyed your posts on this board and I have almost always agreed with what you have to say. That opinion changed today when you started your post with the words "Interesting Discussion" :). This is classic 'Beating a Dead Horse' and Turning2, you need to quit saying that you are not on here to argue. That's all you do and unless people totally agree with you, you keep coming back like a bad cold. There needs to be a separate board for BJ, Turning and Wayne to argue about random senior softball situations.
July 20, 2021
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Salem Results

Us old guys are always quick to jump on here and complain everytime SSUSA does something that gets our blood pressure to rise (literally) so I wanted to point out that our team played in Northwest Championship/Jim Sherman Memorial this past weekend. We were sent off to the little outpost of Albany 30 some miles from Salem, yes it was inconvenient especially on Friday but we got through it and American currency is accepted in Albany. Timber Linn was not in bad shape considering the recent heat wave here in the west. I know outfields were a bit choppy in places but fields in good shape for most part. Games were on time, umps were really nice and professional,TD was very approachable, competition was excellent (thanks Bend Dirt Dogs, ERI, Vanc Connect, and All Out for excellent games. We were fortunate enough to win the event and the prize package was fantastic, great shirts (no comments needed from the guys that claim they don't play for a shirt they play for pride, FYI-you can do both) Anyway awesome shirts and a beautiful plaque that we are dedicating to our sponsor who passed away about a year ago, Bob "BA" Allen. I would love to see more teams attend this event next year, thanks SSUSA for a very well run and fun event. Dave are field assignments and scores complete for next years event yet?
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