Aug. 15, 2024 HAT MAN | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Top seeding at worlds Thanks ssusa but it doesn't help. I'm aware of the reasons set in your rules. My post was geared to ask players if they agree or would like to see a change. Ex I like the idea suggested that they move the location around. This is just forum conversation, nothing else. To me you can have 1 hot tourney all year and as long as it's w/e nationals then you are prime for a good seeding at worlds. There is no end all answer just conversation,but have, in the past, won winter worlds and 3 local qualifiers and get to worlds to see a team go 0 and 2 in rr and get the 2 seed. Not trying to change the world Vinny |
Aug. 15, 2024 HAT MAN | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Top seeding at worlds I think it's time to remove the top seeding rule when winning Eastern and Western Nationals. What does everyone else think? My thoughts are that winning 1 event should not get you such a big advantage at the end of the year. Teams could win 3 or 4 events during the year, consistently do well the entire year, win winter worlds or any other scenario and not get the same reward at worlds. Often, at least on the west coast, it's mostly Cali,Washington and Oregon teams who go. Many tight budget teams can't afford the travel costs. What do you all think? Please note this isn't a LET'S BASH SSUSA post so keep those opinions to yourself. Vinny |
May 5, 2024 HAT MAN | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Rule understanding Question for all. On a base hit that scores the 5th run, I know forced runners need to advance to the next base. What I'm curious of is at what time if the player say from 1st to 2nd veers off and never reaches 2nd is he officially out? Can he run out of the baseline then run back? Is the out recorded once he enters the dugout? Is it the second the ball is thrown to 2nd base? No bad umpiring here just was curious as I'm my situation this weekend the umpire held his hand up after we threw to 2nd and when the runner entered his dugout the out was called and only 4 runs given. (Yes there were 2outs at the time of the hit) Vinny |
April 7, 2024 HAT MAN | Topic: Teams looking for players Discussion: Couple players for April Vegas 50s Would I be still able to play with my 50s tourney team for the rest of the year? Or do I get locked onto your roster? |
Sept. 25, 2023 HAT MAN | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Batter out of the box My take from this past weekend. I don't mind the rule as it's been there since I started playing seniors. You learn to adjust just like you do if you play utrip or asa. The problem is once the tournament starts no one is checking up on the umpires to see if they are consistent. Friday I played at Cheyenne and the chalked box was even with back of the mat and chalked way forward. No one came close to stepping out of the box. We move to bld and I'm called out of the box for the first time ever. I'm 6'4" dodger field. Box was close to 40"wide (not legal) Saturday we play at sunset boxes are wider and longer then regulation Lastly I watched several 40 major plus games Sunday and no box whatsoever and 70% were way out in front. Not 1 single call made. This is the problem, inconsistent enforcement of the rule and physical dimensions. I had 4 different batting stances based on boxes and umpire enforcement Vinny |
Sept. 18, 2023 HAT MAN | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Field allocations for winter worlds Suggestions This has always worked well for me. At both worlds and winter worlds. Reserve a hotel on opposite sides of city. Reserve rooms that allow for free cancelation up to the week before. Click pay at hotel and once field location is announced you cancel the hotel that is farthest. Field locations and schedules have been released consistently as soon as they can get it done. So us as players need to adapt to that and make plans. Hope this helps Vinny |
Sept. 6, 2023 HAT MAN | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: softballs that are kept in a cooler Thanks Dave So it must have a ssusa stamp on the ball or it can't be used. Got it Vinny |
Sept. 6, 2023 HAT MAN | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: softballs that are kept in a cooler Dave Are teams allowed to buy the baden 44/375 from the internet? Or are we only allowed to use the ones ssusa sells? Vinny |
Sept. 5, 2023 HAT MAN | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: 90s East vs West I know this is a big ask but any chance someone could live stream this game for the many others that play in different sessions? Maybe leave the Facebook link on here? I would truly love to watch this game Vinny Sbob40s and sps/bandits 50s |
Sept. 1, 2021 HAT MAN | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: LV Worlds Thank you. Wishing you all a smooth next 3 weeks Vinny |
Aug. 31, 2021 HAT MAN | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: LV Worlds Dave So the xrocks I just bought can't be used? When did it change? Vinny |
Nov. 23, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Winter World's Scores Not sure if there is anything that can be done but I figured out this past weekend that those with android os had problems with brackets being updated. Those on our team who had iphones when they clicked on division link it opens up. Those with android it required you to download pdf and can't be refreshed. We still got updated so this isn't a complaint. Que the Iphone lovers Vinny SBOB/VOODOO SPORTS 40s major winter world champs |
Nov. 5, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Registration Renewal it really is easy the standard.. you can renew online is there all year for those renewing from jan through worlds If you want to renew for 2021 you will need to call from 8-12 weekdays (covid hours) once the computer registrations start the year 2021 then you should be able to renew on line please keep in mind in the last 2 months covid restricted staffing has had to find new fields, rewrite rules for covid and carry out 2020 worlds. Follow that up with a session 4 just ending and winter world/nationals not allowing any time for staff to take a proper shit. just be patient Vinny |
Sept. 22, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: C19 at Worlds. How about we just accept what 2020 has given us this year and not bash people. My only fear is that those that have played/ playing are going to press the hand of ssusa and the 40s group are going to be guilty of more swift actions and less warnings simply because of those that failed before us. The 40s, who statistically should be in better health should have no problem complying. So let's just play ball, give the better half your wallet and send them to Laughlin lol Vinny |
Sept. 19, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: 40s schedule yet? Nice, i like that. Good to know see you next week |
Sept. 19, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: 40s schedule yet? Quick question, how do you know who is American and who is national for 40s major? I'm sure I'm missing something |
Sept. 14, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Since when??? Mike Here is my take. With all respect this post/ seems to be outdated so comes across to me and me only like WTH/why now? I play 40s and have been since i was allowed to. 8 years now. I for one am so glad SSUSA created the division. Based on the numbers over the last 5 years I think many other 40s players are too. To address some thoughts, here are mine: Are we seniors? no but its getting more and more challenging playing with the young kids. Do we need sr bats? no, we could do just fine without them. Do we use runners, all the time. simple I'm 6'4" 260 my 5'9" 175 will always be faster then me lol. Why the division? We asked for it. More and more we asked for it. SSUSA made it happen. I would say at least on the west coast only 35% of 40s still play utrip and usa. The rest have just quit,coach or play benefits. Why do we use sr bats? I think for uniformity. No separate set of rules, no well hes 50 playing 40 so he can use a sr bat. Added to what you said as a way to get used to the new program. To me the rules work, the divisions works and everyone wins. SSUSA wins, bat companies win and 40s win. Most of all, at least for me. The SSUSA 40s has revitalized the love I had for the game that was being lost with the younger generation of trash talk. It is the single most spoken reason I tell guys to start playing SENIOR ball. We play hard, tip the cap to the pitcher on middle shots, give props to a piss rod and share a beer after a great battle on the field. This game has brought too many good things into my life and I am beyond glad to be able to now play it as long as my body lets me. Mike if you make it out to come watch, hit me up and we can share some stories! Vinny SBOB/VOODOO SPORTS |
Aug. 31, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Team forfeiting their seeding games Sorry i meant tournament |
Aug. 31, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Team forfeiting their seeding games Click on forms upper right then scroll down to rule book |
Aug. 26, 2020 HAT MAN | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Must be said Cause it's too often forums become complaint ridden sewers, I want to say thanks. Thank you Dave and Tiffany for helping with all my questions and roster issues. While on limited office hours and/or working from home Dave and Tiffany were able to help me square up several acting coach duties that needed to be fixed. Mind you all being done while ALL hands on deck mode getting ready for worlds was in full effect. Yes you can say it's their jobs but I'm gonna give credit and appreciation when it's clearly due. Thanks again Dave and Tiffany Vinny |