March 11, 2022 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: I Still Believe in Softball Wow… shocked! Total respect n honored to call him a Braddah! If anyone gets information concerning his services please pass it! I will miss his humor, but even more his friendship! Much Aloha n God bless.. Fabe |
Jan. 1, 2022 Fabe | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: roster eligibility Mahalo for bringing to light some of the challenges we experience coming from the Islands! We will still enjoy the moments we have playing this awesome game with our Island Braddahs, yet we are unique to some of these rules. However; what ever SSUSA decides we will continue to compete! Happy New Years to ALL n stay healthy n safe! Aloha, Fabe |
Dec. 24, 2021 Fabe | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: 11 defensive players 65+ Such a blessing to witness healthy debate n different perspectives being shared! Stay healthy n safe…. Merry Christmas, God bless. Aloha, Fabe |
Oct. 20, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Perspectives: Laughing at yourself Mahalo for the smiles this caused for me! Situations like these n Braddahs like you make this game da Bestest! Aloha, Fabe😉 |
Aug. 23, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Looking for opinions and or thoughts Great question Benji! I remember when we just laced it up n played… got our butts kicked by “Me of Steel”, All star Military teams n when we traveled to Mainland tourneys! We enjoyed playing never losing… then the “Precious Rings” came n attitudes changed! (including mine) How many rings do we really need? Well I enjoy playing this great game n whatever the Authoritative system gives us I will play. When this game no longer is fun I will stick to Surfing! Rules guide us to be better, God gives free will to choose this! May you n your team continue to enjoy this great game, filled with many good people! Aloha, Fabe |
Aug. 19, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Can I renew my card now Howz it Dave? Hope all is well with U n Fran? Should I call the office to renew my card that expires o October 2021? Aloha n God bless, Fabe |
July 5, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Dont blame SSUSA for the ball problem. It is interesting to consider Defense being important again! Bless to play this game n to meet many new friends! Aloha, Fabe |
June 19, 2021 Fabe | Topic: Product review Discussion: Back braces For playing or everyday movements? Aloha, Fabe |
March 8, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: I Still Believe in Softball I thank God for all the elements of this great game we get to play! Most thankful for friends like Sparky I’ve been bless to call my Braddah! Much mahalo for sharing n God’s blessings to all! Aloha, Fabe |
March 7, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Aahh! Life is so good! Amen! Took my parents to Church today for the first time in a year! Had a spicy cajun chicken sandwich lunch with them after service... finally had a beautiful Tropical day! Looking forward to playing ball again... God bless. Aloha, Fabe |
March 6, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Hotels jacking prices for SSUSA tournaments Been playing in St. George the pass 3 yrs... we have gotten together with other team couples n rented vacation homes. This was much cheaper n more comfortable than a hotel room! God bless n enjoy! Aloha, Fabe |
March 5, 2021 Fabe | Topic: Rules of the game Discussion: Explanation please Mahalo for all that SSUSA does! There is no perfect system, but they do allow us to participate in some fun tournaments! We still can choose to play elsewhere, but it’s good to know what you are getting into under the Authority of SSUSA! Aloha, Fabe |
March 5, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: SSUSA and LVSSA I agree with Free Market principles... it creates choices that we are accountable for! I’m praying this doesn’t get to messy n effects our Great Game! Stay healthy n safe my Braddahs... Aloha, Fabe |
March 4, 2021 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: LVSSA Sad to hear this... started Senior ball in 2006 n LVSSA was doing Vegas tourneys then. Our Island teams have many good memories during these times! Stay healthy n safe my Braddahs! Aloha, Fabe |
Dec. 25, 2020 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Merry Christmas Mele Kalikimaka n God bless! Aloha, Fabe |
Dec. 8, 2020 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Covid Roster Rule Dave glad to hear You did it n made it! God bless... Aloha, Fabe |
Nov. 26, 2020 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Blessed to live in this great country n to experience playing this great game with all of you! May you n your families have a blessed day...Aloha n God bless, Fabe |
Nov. 24, 2020 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Bat grip I changed my grip from traditional baseball to took me about 6 months of tee work n doing grip exercises before I was confident to use it in a game! Alan’s a great resource for further info. Aloha, Fabe |
Nov. 19, 2020 Fabe | Topic: Tournaments Discussion: Winter World's Scores Dave, Prayn for your upcoming surgery! Mahalo for all you do... Aloha, Fabe |
Nov. 19, 2020 Fabe | Topic: General and miscellaneous Discussion: Fuse or not to Fuse I had mine fused in my mid injured arresting someone! I was a lot younger but my decision was made clearer after researching what arthritis would do to my wrist... I did lose wrist snap that change how I throw a ball. Just know the pain will not get better...I remember knowing when the weather would change, because the barometric pressure effected my wrist that much! Stay in motion with grip exercises n stretching the wrist... good luck n stay healthy n safe! Aloha, Fabe |