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Details for VTuttle

Real name:
Vance Tuttle

Bixby, OK

Men's 65

Messages posted by VTuttle »Message board home   »Start a new discussion

May 16, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Change in the batters box rule

If you are going to take this approach, why even have a batters box at all? I can see that this would certainly cut down on the cost of (lime) marking the field and time involved in preparing boxes around home plate. So, just stand where you want, stride where you want and if the ball hits you any where, any time, you are out.
April 17, 2021
Topic: General and miscellaneous
Discussion: Belted shorts, my kingdom for a pair of belted shorts

E-Bay is your friend. I have bought many shorts for softball through ebay (belted and non-belted) over the years. Some of those offering are through sporting good stores online, so they may have access to other types/styles/sizes you are looking for. Good Luck!
Sept. 20, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: BRACKET START TIMES (Session 1)

Thank you Tim!
Sept. 20, 2019
Topic: Tournaments
Discussion: Mandatory Regionals & States for Worlds

What, you don't like 600-700 teams participating in the World Tournament?
Sept. 7, 2012
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Turning 59 in 9/12, looking for a 60's team after 2012 World Tournament

Yes, I'm interested. I'd like a little more information about where they travel, how frequently, etc. For more discussion/information e-mail me at azsooner@q.com Thanks.

Sept. 6, 2012
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Turning 59 in 9/12, looking for a 60's team after 2012 World Tournament

I've been playing with Old West, which was a 50+ AA team. I've been picked up by several other teams on occasion, but haven't really looked for a team until now. I feel that I have very good defensive skills, above average speed, I've spent most of the last year playing OF, but before that played most everything in the IF, except P and C. I play year round with co-ed team during the week (nights) and on saturdays I've played in the AZT leagues. I dont' know if this is the information you are looking for, if you want to know more, e-mail me at azsooner@q.com.
Sept. 3, 2012
Topic: Players looking to join a team
Discussion: Turning 59 in 9/12, looking for a 60's team after 2012 World Tournament

I live in Phoenix, and am looking to play for a 60's team, starting after the 2012 World Tournament. I'll be 60 in September 2013. I am a utility player, IF & OF, and have batted from top to bottom in the batting order. Want to know anything else, just ask.
Aug. 31, 2012
Topic: Teams looking for players
Discussion: Looking for 2013 players

I turn 59 in September 2012. It's my understanding that I can play with 60's after the World tournament is over in November 2012. Let me know if you're interested. I live in the Phoenix area.
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